Arup has been selected by National Rail to develop the design for a new £15m visitor centre, which will include a 110m high viewing platform on top of the Forth Bridge.

The new visitor centre will be constructed underneath the bridge’s northern tower and will have two lifts that will slowly rise to the top of the bridge where the visitors will be able to stand on a large viewing platform providing them with unrivalled views.

The outline plans for the designs shows the visitor centre having a glass roof so the visitors can have an up-close view of the underside of the iconic structure.

Arup will also develop detailed designs for an ‘adventurous’ walkway which will enable visitors to walk up to the South Queensferrry based pier.

The designs will be delivered next year upon which they will be submitted for planning approval, it’s envisages that the project will be constructed by local firms.



David Dickson, Route Managing Director, Network Rail said: “This is a significant investment in our vision for a ground breaking new tourist attraction for Scotland.

Arup’s bid stood out for a number of reasons, not least due to the involvement of local firms which will help form a strong core for the design team.”